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Canning: Tomato Sauce

Have tons of tomatoes just like us? Try canning your own tomatoes with this quick and easy recipe!
Roasted Tomato Sauce:
• 6 lbs tomatoes of your choice – Roma or Amish Paste make a richer sauce
• 2 peppers (green or red) quartered
• 1 medium onion quartered
• 5 cloves garlic
• 3 tbl. Olive oil
• 1 tsp black pepper (or to taste)
• 1 tsp salt (or to taste)
• Spices of your choice (fresh basil, oregano etc)
1. Wash tomatoes and cut in half. Place cut side down on a cookie sheet with a rim. Add quartered onion, peppers and garlic to sheet. Add salt and pepper and drizzle olive oil over all.
2. Roast in oven at 375 for 1 hour. Remove from oven. Let sit for about 5 minutes.
3. If you do not want the tomato skins in your sauce, pinch and remove skins. Remove the tomatoes and vegetables with a slotted spoon into a food processor. There will be quite a bit of water at the bottom of the pan and this may be discarded.
4. At this time add your spices. Fresh basil, oregano, or any spice you prefer.
5. Pulse until blended. You have sauce! You may serve it right away or freeze or can.
Tips: If freezing, let sauce cool before adding to containers. If you decide to can the sauce, follow the basic canning instructions for water bath canning.
Label and store: Add a label to the lid or side of your jar, noting the date it was canned. Remove the rings and store jars in a cool, dark place for up to one year. Refrigerate after opening.
Recipe Courtesy of Jayne Bolton

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