Member Event
Hand Sanitizer & Face Covering Giveaway for Farms (Free)
Friday, June 19, 2020
10:00 to 14:00
CCE Resource Center, 34570 State Highway 10, Hamden, NY 13782
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Delaware County, in cooperation with New York State Agriculture and Markets, will host another distribution event for Delaware County farmers to receive hand sanitizer and face coverings at no cost. Distribution of these items will ensure a safer sale and distribution of locally produced food, particularly at U-Pick, farm-stand, and farm market operations.
Car-side distribution will take place on Friday, June 19th between 10am and 2pm at Cornell Cooperative Extension Delaware County in Hamden. Proof of agriculture status is required and contact information will be collected for tracking purposes. Hand sanitizer is available in one-gallon containers with hand pump and 2 oz sprays. Face coverings are available in packages of five.
To ensure we have adequate supplies available, please pre-register online here or at For more information please call (607) 865-6531. We look forward to seeing our farmers during this time with appropriate physical distancing measures in place!
If your operation is not located in Delaware County, please visit to find your local Extension Office.