Member Event
HAACP Training Comes To Delhi
Thursday, March 19, 2015
53 Main Street, Delhi, NY 13753
Class Schedule: 8 hours for first two days and 4 hours on third day
Class conducted by: Dr. Michele Pfannenstiel
Class Location: Quarter Moon Cafe, 53 Main Street, Delhi, NY
Class Description: Introduction to HACCP for Meat and Poultry Processors: an IHA Certified Course
Although based on Dr. P’s class for writing a HACCP plan for a USDA grant of inspection, this class will also focus on issues and needs of stores, farms, and restaurants. Two areas that will be covered in this class are using a vacuum machine for packaging frozen products [raw and smoked meats] and sous vide cooking. If there are any other issues that are important for you, please let us know when you sign up and an effort will be made to include them in the class.
Duration: 20 hours
Format: Powerpoint with in class group exercises and presentations
Target audience: Owners meat processing facilities that need to write a HACCP plan. Employees on a HACCP team in a USDA plant. Owners of facilities that need a high level 3rd party audit (GFSI, Siliker, AIB, Steritech) for USDA processing. Meat processing entrepreneurs and restaurateurs looking to do charcuterie. Chefs, cooks, and managers.
Course Information: This course teaches how to write a meat/poultry USDA acceptable HACCP plan. Participants will write a plan together. Participants will learn and practice all 7 steps of a HACCP System as it applies to meat and poultry production.
Handouts: Powerpoints; GMA HACCP book
Participants receive a certificate with the IHA seal
Cost: $350
Please email Jonah Shaw: [email protected] to sign up and make payment arrangements