Friday, February 27, 2015
Summit at Industry City, Brooklyn NY
Founded in 2013, FOOD+ENTERPRISE is a social impact, mission-driven event dedicated to promoting understanding and collaboration amongst multiple stakeholders – farmers, entrepreneurs, consultants, funders and investors – who aim to finance a better local food system.
After two years hosted under the auspices of the Food Book Fair (, the 2015 conference has grown to be a three-day event beginning with our popular Entrepreneurship Clinic and ending with our third annual Pitch Competition. Check out the 2014 event photos.
The 2015 FOOD+ENTERPRISE Conference is organized and administered by the Northeast Foodshed Finance Alliance ( and Slow Money NYC (, in conjunction with NRDC (, Community Food Funders ( and the National Young Farmers Coalition (
Tickets are on sale now on our website!
Follow us on Twitter! @EnterpriseFood