Community Event
Autumn Equinox Ritual Circle
Saturday, September 18, 2021
17:30 to 19:00
Davenport, NY
Blessed Be. As the Wheel of the Year turns once again, gather with us in sacred circle (outside – socially distanced) to welcome Autumn Equinox and celebrate the middle of the harvest season. Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon, marks the second of three harvest festivals and the threshold of the darkness overtaking the light. At Mabon, the day and the night are of equal length, and brings us a moment of balance before we begin the descent into the dark half of the year as the night becomes longer than the day. It is a celebration of thanks-giving, abundance, reflection, and transition.
Join us for ritual and ancient Celtic practices as we honor the bounty and abundance given to us by the land and celebrate the reaping of what we’ve sown.
Please bring one small candle in a glass container. All other materials will be provided.
Circle will be held in Delaware County in Davenport, NY. Exact address will be given upon registration. We will gather outside rain or shine.
Sign up and Registration details can be found here: